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雀巢普瑞纳宠物-武汉-销售代表 9-18k·13薪
武汉-硚口区 1-3年 大专
五险一金 带薪年假 领导好 发展空间大 公司规模大 绩效奖金
刘女士 3小时前在线 已认证
Main Purpose of Job: -Equipped by professional petfood nutrition knowledge, particularly PPVD products, provide professional technical support & service to vet customers to build Purina products WoM on nutrition leadership and improve recommendation & conversion Key Outputs: -Collaborate with marketing team to work out PPVD products’ science & nutrition curriculum, design relevant modular, and extract key points for conducting effective detailing. -Based on vet store routing, provide professional calling and consultancy selling service to customer (vet/nurse/clerk) for better recommendation -Build deep vet hospital/clinic eco-system relationship, to capture industry trend & competitor dynamics, and share the findings to business timely with insights & intelligence;Play critical role in industry events, e.g. vet seminar, forum, and exhibition etc., to improve Purina’s influence power -Take joint-responsibility on related sales key results areas with field sales team -Ensure adherence to all Company principles and policies Key Experiences: - Master degree with petfood nutrition knowledge background, 宠物医院渠道,医药,保健品,母婴营养补充剂品类相关经验优先考虑 5+ years related working experience is preferred. - Be familiar with vet eco-system operation and recommendation models. - Skilled at coaching & communication. - Logic thinking, strong planning and teamworking skills. - Skilled at dealing with unexpected challenges, and work under pressure.


雀巢作为世界食品饮料巨头,拥有2000多个品牌,从全球知名品牌,到各地最受欢迎的本土产品,业务遍布全球191个国家。 中国是雀巢公司全球第二大市场。雀巢公司在中国的愿景是,为消费者提供营养、健康、安全、美味的产品,帮助人们生活得更健康、更幸福,为股东和社会创造共享价值。为了实现这一愿景,截止到2015年底,雀巢在华分别投资建设了从原材料采购,到产品研发和生产等各种基础设施,其中包括34家工厂、4个研发中心、1个食品安全研究院、1个奶牛养殖培训中心和一个咖啡中心。 如今,通过雀巢以及合作伙伴品牌,雀巢公司为消费者提供从婴幼儿营养到成人及中老年奶粉,从糖果巧克力到冰淇淋,从瓶装饮用水到早餐谷物,从特殊用途食品到皮肤健康产品。


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