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Asia Legal and Compliance Head 50-60k·15薪
上海-闵行区 10年以上 统招本科
年终奖金 五险一金 通讯津贴 免费班车 发展空间大 公司规模大 岗位晋升 弹性工作 带薪年假
凌女士 6天前在线 已认证
HR Specialist · 均胜集团
Responsibility: Legal • Manage and administer the activities of the legal function under the supervision of the General Counsel • Deliver legal services in a timely and effective manner across the [Asia / Japan & India] Region • Serve as the first point of contact for all legal matters in the [Asia / Japan & India] Region and provide or organize the necessary legal advice and all requested or required legal documentation (including, but not limited to contracts or other documentation) • Serve as key legal advisor on all major business transactions, including acquisitions, divestitures and joint ventures, in the [Asia / Japan & India] Region • Direct under the supervision of the General Counsel the defense of the JSS against suits or claims and prepare JSS’s claims against third parties • Manage external counsel for matters in the [Asia / Japan & India] Region efficiently and on a cost-effective basis; implement processes and procedures for outside counsel support throughout the [Asia / Japan & India] Region in accordance with the applicable retention policies; drive the fee estimate process; and act as central point of contact for approval of invoices Compliance • Manage and administer the activities of the compliance function in [Asia / Japan & India] under the supervision of the CCO • Support JSS’s businesses and functions in the [Asia / Japan & India] Region to operate in accordance with JSS’s Code of Ethics and Business Conduct (the “Code”) and related company rules and requirements as well as applicable laws and regulations • Assist the CCO and senior management in promoting a culture based on ethics and integrity • Implement the Compliance Risk Assessment Policy by conducting annual Compliance Risk Assessments and taking appropriate measures to mitigate identified risks • Understand and keep abreast of changes to relevant laws and regulations • Create, publish, maintain and monitor policies and procedures as appropriate to fully implement the provisions of the Code and other requirements of in-country statues and regulations in [Asia / Japan & India] • Visually promote JSS’s Compliance Program within [Asia / Japan & India] • Provide advice to management and employees regarding compliance topics • Implement the annual JSS Compliance Program Self-Assessment Policy; monitor the effectiveness of compliance policies and procedures; and make necessary recommendations as to any enhancements or modifications that may be necessary or appropriate Requirement: 1.Bachelor degree and above, legal education background preferred; 2. Fluent English (Global role, and superior is a foreigner.) 3. 15+ years of experience in relevant field. With a law firm as an attorney or international corporation as inhouse counsel. Combination of international law firm / audit firm and corporate experience preferred. 4. Good communication Skills, strong problem solving and familiar with Legal regulations.


均胜集团-新萄京APP·最新下载App Store(以下称:均胜集团)专注于高端汽车电子零部件的研发制造、高端工业自动化智能制造;均胜集团控股的宁波均胜电子-新萄京APP·最新下载App Store(600699.SH),简称均胜电子,主要致力于:智能驾驶系统、汽车安全系统、智能车联网、新能源汽车动力管理系统、高端汽车功能件总成。长期以来,我们保持着与宝马、奔驰、奥迪、大众、保时捷、特斯拉等的良好合作。 均胜集团控股的宁波均普智能制造-新萄京APP·最新下载App Store,简称均胜智能制造,专注于: 高端自动化装配、自动检测及机器人应用; 与中国制造2025、德国工业4.0产业发展战略高度融合。 2011年至今,均胜积极海外产业布局,先后收购了德国PREH、德国IMA Automation、德国QUIN、美国KSS、美国Evana Automation 、德国TS、奥地利 M&R Automation、日本TAKATA;通过企业创新产品升级和多次国际并购、走出去引进来,实现了业务全球化和转型升级的战略目标。2019年实现营收超600亿元。 目前,均胜集团在全球30个国家设有超过100+场所,4个研发中心,50000+员工;你将与来自全世界的优秀员工一起工作,拥有国际化的思维方式与全球知识共享平台,共同探索职业发展的无限可能。 均胜集团,期待您的加入,共赢未来!


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