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Sales Operation Manager - 强生安视优 30-45k·13薪
上海-徐汇区 经验不限 本科
年底双薪 带薪年假 交通补助 五险一金 绩效奖金 500强
蒋女士 3天前在线 已认证
Summary: Title: Sales Operation Manager BU: Vision Care (eye health) Location: Shanghai Subordinates: 2 Responsibilities: 1. Be responsible for contract/agreement (Annual/Quarterly/special required agreement) related processes including update to adapt to company commercial policy, coordinate the review with legal/HCC/FIN.etc and ensure sign off on time. 2. Establish Rebate SOP (Accrual/true up/settlement) and manage the sales communication and execution according to SOP and compliance policy 3. Optimize the design of SOP to drive high efficiency operation platform and deliver high performance business growth through collaboration with key stakeholders 4. Be responsible for SOP execution excellence, including high quality execution of each department according to R&R, approval process, time management and detail communication with key stakeholders. 5. Lead customer master data related process and closely work with Data and IT team to ensure the high quality customer master data 6. Work closely with HCC on “Due Diligence” to ensure business operation to meet compliance policy. 7. Offer the operation solution based on the potential opportunity or business risk to fulfill new business request 8. Proactively contribute innovative and agile idea and solution to meet the change of internal reformation, external market and regulation.etc. 9. Be responsible for operation related system management and work closely with IT to develop and improve system according to business request a) Master data maintenance (SAP/Contract & Rebate); b) Contract analysis to benefit and well prepare for next year contract renewal. c) Develop system to improve operation accuracy and efficiency. d) Develop system to improve the Rebate efficiency. e) Enhance the e-signature system to improve the efficiency of the commercial team. Qualification Requirement 1. Bachelor degree or above 2. At least 5+ years business and operation management experience in foreign company. 3. Strong strategical thinking and business insight to dig out the potential operation risk and opportunity 4. Good data analysis capability 5. Good communication and convincing skill to solve problems actively across departments 6. Good verbal and written communication skills in both English and Chinese 7. Sales experience is plus


强生公司成立于1886年,是全球综合性、业务分布范围广的医疗健康企业之一,业务涉及制药、医疗器材及消费品三大领域。总部位于美国新泽西州新布仑兹维克市,在全球60个国家地区拥有260多家运营公司,全球员工约14万人,2019年全球营收达821亿美元。 强生坚信健康是活力人生、繁荣社区和不断进步的基础。正因如此,130多年来,公司始终致力于推进健康事业,让人们在每个年龄段和每个人生阶段都保持健康。今天,作为一家全球业务分布广泛、综合性的跨国医疗健康企业,强生致力于用广泛的影响力去促进人类健康、建设更美好社会。在努力提高医药可及性和可负担性,创造更健康的社区的同时,让世界各地的人们都能拥有健康身心,享受健康环境,肩负融合关爱、科学与智慧,为人类健康事业的发展带来意义深远的改变的使命。 1985年,作为改革开放以来首批进入中国市场的跨国企业,强生在华成立了西安杨森制药-新萄京APP·最新下载App Store。多年来,强生一直致力于提供高质量的创新产品来满足不断增长的医疗健康需求,为中国病患和消费者带来健康,建设健康中国。目前,强生在华设有10余家法律实体,分布于北京、上海、广州、苏州、西安等90多个城市,员工数约1.1万人。 强生中国区总部位于上海,在上海徐汇区、浦东新区、闵行区等拥有多家注册公司和生产工厂,是上海外资企业纳税百强。2019年,强生全球执行委员会在北京宣布将中国定位为全球创新引擎。此外,强生也是支持上海市政府打造全球科创中心的领军企业。2014年,强生亚太创新中心在上海成立,作为强生在全球的四大创新中心之一,亚太创新中心立足亚洲,在开放式创新的模式下,结合强生在亚太和全球的资源、专业知识和区域优势,将突破性的医疗健康解决方案贡献给全球的患者和消费者。目前,强生亚太创新中心也在人工智能、数据科学、再生医药、基因治疗、微生物科学和机器人技术等众多领域挑战创造崭新解决方案。


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