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(Sr.) PR Manager 【外资上市,甲方,可看纯乙方背景】 45-75k
上海-黄浦区 经验不限 本科
汪女士 3小时前在线 已认证
自1999年以来,Mobileye开创了REMTM技术, True RedundancyTM传感和责任敏感安全(RSS)等突破性技术。这些技术正在推动ADAS和AV领域走向移动的未来——实现自动驾驶汽车和移动解决方案,迄今为止,全球约有1.7亿辆汽车采用Mobileye技术制造。2022年,Mobileye作为独立于英特尔(纳斯达克股票代码INTC)的公司上市,英特尔保留多数股权。 The Position: We are in search of a seasoned Public Relations (PR) professional in Shanghai to lead and facilitate our PR and media efforts in China, boosting our business' growing momentum. This role involves crafting and executing a strategic PR plan for the Chinese market, overseeing media relationships, and ensuring media exposure align with our brand. The ideal candidate will have a track record of success in the automotive and/or high-tech industries, showcasing a profound understanding of cutting-edge technology, resilience in challenging situations, and unwavering dedication to achieving results. Comfort in collaborating with local business/R&D teams and integrating into a global marketing and communications team to achieve broad objectives is essential. Responsibilities: • Enhance our share of voice in China by launching, organizing, and managing PR and communication initiatives, in close collaboration with our local and global colleagues. • Play a key role within the global marketing and communications team, offering insights into our activities and those of our partners and competitors. • Maintain and elevate our brand image in China, engaging with all key audiences through traditional and digital platforms. • Spot relevant social and industry trends and media editorial angles, pitching our narratives for meaningful and impactful coverage. • Regularly foster and expand media relations for ongoing and adaptable exposure opportunities, both proactively and reactively. • Develop connections with selected KOLs and KOCs, managing social media collaborations from conception to implementation. • Collaborate with internal stakeholders, including but not limited to leadership, business and engineering teams, parallel functional departments, on story development, strategic initiatives, and content execution. • Formulate strong collaborations with our main customers to support successful joint marketing and communications efforts. • Manage PR and digital agency partners to drive a steady cadence of earned media engagements and develop key performance indicators. Candidate Qualifications: • 8-15 years of experience in public relations, corporate communications, marketing communications, or media. • A minimum of 3-5 years in a managerial role, possessing the ability to effectively supervise and inspire within an organization or manage multiple vendors towards achieving set objectives on time. • A vast network and established relationships with media in the hi-tech, automotive, semiconductor, general, financial and business sectors, and TV channels. • Up-to-date with the latest social media tactics, with practical experience in collaborating with KOLs, KOCs, and other influencers. • Adept at crafting and conveying corporate and technological narratives with strong storytelling capabilities. • Background knowledge and experience in autonomous driving, automotive technology, electronics, or semiconductors is highly advantageous. • Bachelor and above degree from accredited institution. • Fluency in Mandarin and English, in both written and verbal usages. • Effective at multitasking, comfortable working under pressure and meeting deadlines. • Willingness to travel domestically and adapt to a flexible schedule. • Open to candidates with pure agency background. Mobileye changes the way we drive, from preventing accidents to semi and fully autonomous vehicles. If you are an excellent, bright, hands-on person with a passion to make a difference come to lead the revolution!


Mobileye(无比视汽车产品服务(上海)-新萄京APP·最新下载App Store),是计算机视觉发展和机器学习,数据分析,定位和城市路网信息管理技术应用于高级驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)和自动驾驶等使城市更智能的解决方案的全球先驱者。目前,全球已超过6000万辆汽车上安装了Mobileye高级驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)。奥迪、宝马、菲亚特克莱斯勒、通用汽车、本田、现代/起亚、日产、大众等全球各大汽车制造商在上百个车型中均采用了Mobileye高级驾驶辅助系统(ADAS)。


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