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资深文案策划 15-30k·15薪
北京-顺义区 5-10年 本科
五险一金 年终奖金 绩效奖金 带薪年假 节日礼物 定期体检 加班补贴 交通补助 岗位晋升 海外培训
吴女士 8小时前在线 已认证
  • 品牌策划
  • 新媒体策划
  • 文案策划
  • 媒介策划
  • 广告策划
  • 活动策划
  • 物资管理
  • 自媒体策划
  • 品牌活动
  • 新媒体
资深文案策划【Senior Copywriter】 基本工作: 1.负责公司品牌宣传和诊所市场营销活动中各类文案的撰写工作; 2.负责各类宣传物料的文字创意和撰写(包括但不仅限于新闻稿、宣传册、广告语、DM、产品介绍、短视频等),协同设计,输出高质量内容; 3.负责线上媒体平台的内容运营,包括企业官网、微信公众号、微博、抖音、小红书等; 4.基于整体品牌宣传策略及目标客户传播特点,按阶段选题、策划和制作高质量的内容,撰写原创文章(包括但不仅限于广告文案、新闻稿、采访稿、综述稿等),并对输出内容质量负责; 5.参与、协助品牌宣传及市场活动策划,进行活动相关的文字创作,协助活动落地执行,并对效果进行评估; 6.负责主题栏目或商业化内容的策划,打造品牌特色,实现业务转化; 7.负责所有内容文字输出的审核工作。 ............................................................................................................................................... 1. Responsible for the writing of various copywriting in the company's brand promotion and clinic marketing activities; 2. Responsible for the text creation and writing of various publicity materials (including but not limited to press releases, brochures, slogans, DMs, product introductions, short videos, etc.), collaborative design, and output high-quality content; 3. Responsible for the content operation of online media platforms, including corporate official websites, WeChat public accounts, Weibo, Douyin, Xiaohongshu, etc.; 4. Based on the overall brand promotion strategy and target customer communication characteristics, select topics, plan and produce high-quality content according to stages, write original articles (including but not limited to advertising copy, press releases, interview drafts, summary drafts, etc.), and be responsible for the quality of output content; 5. Participate in and assist in brand promotion and marketing activity planning, create activities related to text, assist in the implementation of activities, and evaluate the effect; 6. Responsible for the planning of theme columns or commercial content, creating brand characteristics and achieving business transformation; 7. Responsible for the review of all content text output. 任职要求: 1.中文、新闻、传播、广告、汉语言等相关专业,全日制统招本科及以上学历; 2.扎实的文字功底,具备优秀的文案撰写能力,能够独立完成原创文章的创作; 3.5年以上文案相关工作经验,具备新闻媒体、广告公司、医疗机构等从业经验的优先; 4.对社会热点具有敏感性,熟悉不同媒体平台的传播规律和用户特点,策划多元化、有传播度的内容; 5.具有新媒体运营经验; 6.具有良好的理解力、沟通力和执行力。 ............................................................................................................................................... 1. Chinese, journalism, communication, advertising, Chinese language and other related majors, full-time unified enrollment bachelor degree or above; 2. Solid writing skills, excellent copywriting ability, able to independently complete the creation of original articles; 3. More than 5 years of copywriting related work experience, experience in news media, advertising companies, medical institutions and other industries is preferred; 4. Be sensitive to social hot spots, familiar with the communication laws and user characteristics of different media platforms, and plan diversified and disseminated content; 5. Experience in new media operation; 6. Have good understanding, communication and execution.


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