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载体工艺开发副总监 薪资面议
南京-江宁区 5-10年 博士
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郭先生 1天前在线 已认证
  • IND
Major Responsibilities: 1.Lead exploring and development of proprietary viral vector platforms to drive pipeline development and success by optimizing all aspects of viral vector design including but not limited to yield, transgene expression, RCL/R, insertional mutagenesis, cell or target tissue-specificity, immune evasion, availability and reduced cost of viral vector manufacturing. 2.Lead establishing and conducting various assays/ models to screen and validate the vectors from safety and efficacy perspective. Work effectively with cross-functional teams (early research, analytical development, process development, preclinical development and CMC) to support pipeline activities in an interdisciplinary and fast paced environment. 3.Provide technical leadership within the team on both lentiviral and γ-retroviral vector biology, construction, process development and manufacturing. Lead tech transfer to CDMOs. 4.Assist in drafting, reviewing, approving, and supporting regulatory filings, including IND amendments, BLAs, and regulatory responses. 5.Work with BD team on looking for and assessing novel viral vector relevant technologies. 6.Develop and mentor a group of diverse scientists and research associates to enable cross-functional collaboration, leading innovation and career development. Qualifications: 1.PhD in virology, immunology, cell biology or molecular biology; 6+ years of proven experience in applied virology including lentiviral and / or γ-retroviral vector development. 2.Having extensive expertise in molecular pathogenesis of viral infections, immunological response to infectious agents, and application of viral vectors for gene transfer. 3.Vast experience with viral risk assessments, viral safety tests and control strategies. 4.Extensive hands-on experience in viral vector design is required. 5.Outstanding innovative thinking and problem-solving skills. 6.Deliverables with a goal-oriented and data-driven way. 7.Ability to work under pressure and meet tight deadlines. 8.Proven track record of project or program management. 9.Experience in team management is a plus. 10.Evidence of effective bi-lingual fluency (Chinese and English) verbal and written communication skills.


传奇生物(NASDAQ: LEGN)是一家处于临床阶段的全球生物制药公司,成立于2014年,并于美国时间2020年6月5日在纳斯达克挂牌上市。 传奇生物专注于肿瘤和其他领域的新型细胞疗法的开发。目前在全球免疫细胞疗法领域排名靠前,和合作伙伴Janssen将产品LCAR-B38M细胞制剂已推进至在美国、欧洲药品上市审评阶段,有望解决多发性骨髓瘤治疗的难题。与此同时,传奇生物还有多款在研CAR-T疗法,用于血液瘤、实体瘤及其它疑难疾病的治疗。 目前,传奇生物在美国、中国和欧洲已拥有1000余名员工,以差异化技术、全球化研发网络和专业的生产策略为有力支撑,为患者提供发现、开发和制造可信任的细胞疗法创造了可能。公司已入选江苏省战略性新兴产业发展专项资金项目,江苏省精准细胞免疫治疗工程技术研究中心,荣获江苏省科技进步奖、“中国生物医药产业链创新风云榜”并获“鲲鹏奖”,入选“2020中国独角兽”、“中国医药创新企业100强”。


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