新萄京APP·最新下载App Store

Safety工艺安全主管 15-20k·14薪
沈阳-铁西区 5-10年 本科
五险一金 年终奖金 绩效奖金 带薪年假 定期体检 免费班车 商业医疗保险 周末双休 专业培训 节日福利
Position Responsibilities Budget and staff responsibility for its Site EHS Department. Local implementation of Heraeus HPS EHS Development Path and GBU EHS requirements. Establish, implement, maintain and continually improve an EHS Management System according to ISO 14001 and ISO 45001. Key User for the Site for Intelex EHS Software and Enhesa EHS Legal Register. Support Site Manager in ensuring compliance with all EHS laws and regulations, EHS conditions of licenses, permits and/or authorizations, as well as other EHS requirements that apply to the Site. Support Site Manager in obtaining new or revising existing EHS licenses, permits and/or authorizations if required. Provide expert technical support in identifying and resolving EHS issues. Support Site Manager in developing, reviewing and following up/ tracking on action plans for identified EHS issues as required to ensure that tasks are being completed on schedule. Support development, implementation and regular updates of EHS risk assessments. Maintain the sites training plan. Support development, implementation and regular updates of EHS trainings that require EHS expert knowledge. EHS-related measurements and calculations for air emission, wastewater, industrial hygiene and others as applicable. Organize, join and follow-up frequent EHS walks. Reviewing all changes on processes, activities, and raw materials, and approving and documenting such changes prior to implementation to ensure that EHS is maintained. Reporting, investigation and follow-up of injury/ illness, environment/ process safety incidents, property damages, EHS allegations and soil/ groundwater issues. Conduct EHS reporting to governmental authorities and to insurance companies as well as to Corporate EHS within Intelex. Organize regular EHS Site Committee Meetings and annual Site Management Reviews at the Site and ensure that relevant information regarding the EHS is communicated in timely manner to the appropriate employees and site management. Support Site Manager and EHS Manager in completing the annual HPS EHS Self-Assessment, every three years EHS Compliance Check and any other EHS Audits/ Assessment. Complete HPS EHS Assessor training and participate in the regional HPS EHS assessment as requested. Position Qualification & Requirements Minimum 5 years related working experience, 2 years as manager role. Working background in chemical industry is preferred. Good English communication skill. Target orientation. Strong leadership with strategic thinking, convincible, toughness and problem solve skills. Demonstrated ability to influence without authority and operate in a highly matrixed environment. Preferred to have knowledge and capabilities in working in working in an international environment.


贺利氏信越石英(中国)-新萄京APP·最新下载App Store,地址位于沈阳经济技术开发区大明湖街17号,是由德国贺利氏石英公司和日本信越石英株氏会社共同成立的外商独资企业。主要从事高精密度高纯度半导体石英系列产品的制造、研发及修理。 同时,我们将向您提供国家规定的各项社会保险、年终奖金、免费工作餐、商业医疗保险、采暖费、通勤车、年庆福利、团队娱乐。 贺利氏科技集团总部位于德国哈瑙市,是⼀家全球杰出的家族投资企业。贺利氏集团的业务涵盖环保、电子、健康和工业应用等领域。通过广泛的专业材料知识和技术型的解决方案为客户提供高质量的产品和服务。 2018年财年,贺利氏的总销售收入为203亿欧元,在40个国家拥有约一万五千名员工。贺利氏被评选为“德国十大家族企业”,在全球市场上占据领导地位。曾数次名列《财富》“世界五百强”。 1974年,贺利氏成立了在大中华区的贵金属销售办事处。40多年来,我们的业务已遍及整个大中华地区。目前,贺利氏在大中华地区的10个城市共拥有2700多名员工。 贺利氏在中国生产的产品,其中83%销售给了中国客户。时至今日,大中华地区已成为贺利氏集团最重要的三大市场之一,销售额约占集团全球收入的30%。贺利氏大中华区于2019年荣膺“中国典范雇主”。 欢迎登陆我们的网站 ************** 广阔空间,智创未来 我们正在寻找乐于迎接新挑战的人。他们不满足于想到的第一种方法,而是不断发展和实践自己的想法。他们积极塑造和推动事务发展,乐于承担个人责任。在贺利氏,我们为你提供专业领域及个人职业的发展空间。快来加入我们吧!


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