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家电认证工程师/Compliance Engineer 薪资面议
深圳 5-10年 本科
年底双薪 带薪年假 定期体检 免费班车 五险一金 子女福利
Responsibilities: 1.Compliance Projects/认证项目: To manage Compliance Work in multiple projects, with minimal supervision, within required timeframe, on high professional level, for Vacuum Cleaners, Steam cleaners to be sold in global markets. The agency approvals include UL, ETL, CE, CB, CCC, CQC, RCM, EAC, KC, KCC, PSE, BSMI, etc. 独立、及时、专业地完成各个即将销往全球各地的吸尘器及蒸汽清洁机项目所有认证相关工作。 涉及的认证有:UL, ETL, CE, CB, CCC, CQC, RCM, EAC, KC, KCC, PSE, BSMI, etc. Requirements: 1. Bachelor's degree in Electrical, Electronic Engineering or equivalent. 正规全日制本科学位,电气、电子或相关专业。 2. At least 6 years working experience of electrical products Compliance Work for household products, IT/AV products, lighting products. The one with household products compliance work experience in famous international third-party agency companies is preferred, such as, UL, TUV Rh., TUV SUD, VDE, ITS, SGS, B.V., etc. 至少6年家电、信息技术设备/音视频、灯具产品等领域电器产品认证经验。 具有UL, TUV Rh., TUV SUD, VDE, ITS, SGS, B.V.等著名的国际第三方认证公司的家电认证经验优先。 3. Able to read, understand and implement English written standards, such as, ISO/IEC 17025, IEC/EN 60335, UL 1017, UL 499, etc. 能阅读、理解和执行英文标准,如:ISO/IEC 17025, IEC/EN 60335, UL 1017, UL 499等。 4. Strong team spirit & diligent attitude. 具有强烈的团队精神,勤奋努力的工作态度。.


BISSELL Asia Development Center (Shenzhen) Limited 必胜清洁用品(深圳)-新萄京APP·最新下载App Store BISSELL Homecare, Inc., based in Michigan, US, is a floor care innovator and international marketer of home cleaning products. Bissell is the ******** brand in Floorcare in the United States. Our products include sweepers, vacuums cleaners, deep cleaning machines and cleaning formulas sold at retail locations worldwide. The company with 140 years of history and in its fourth generation of family leadership, is the seventh oldest privately held manufacturing company in the United States. BISSELL Asia Development Center (Shenzhen) Limited (“BISSELL ADC”) is a wholly foreign owned enterprise by BISSELL Homecare, Inc., incorporated in Shenzhen which focuses on the development, testing, and maintenance of innovative home cleaning products. We invite smart, knowledgeable, responsible, self-motivated and competent candidates to join us. We offer excellent working environment, attractive salary and benefit package, and innovative culture for our employees. BISSELL是一家致力于家庭清洁用品开发和创新的企业,总部在美国密西根。BISSELL是美国家庭清洁用品大品牌,我们的产品包括各种吸尘器,清洁设备及清洁液,在世界各地进行销售。BISSELL成立至今已有一百四十年,是一家拥有悠久历史的美国家族企业。 必胜清洁用品(深圳)-新萄京APP·最新下载App Store是BISSELL在中国全额投资的亚洲研发中心,公司致力于各种吸尘器的开发、测试和维护。公司地址位于深圳市宝安区。 我们目前正处于扩充组织架构、加强中国研发能力的高速发展期,诚邀有识之士加入。我们为员工提供优越的工作环境、有竞争力的薪酬体系和创造性的企业文化。 1. 具有市场竞争力的薪资; 2. 舒适整洁的办公环境; 3. 五险一金; 4. 额外商业险(员工+子女); 5. 包中午工作餐; 6. 免费班车接送(固定路线); 7. 每周一次体育健身活动; 8. 员工生日礼券; 9. 重大节日福利; 10. 年度健康体检; 11. 每年13个月的工资+年终奖;


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