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项目经理 · 重庆猎聘人力资源管理-新萄京APP·最新下载App Store
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Main Responsibilities: - Ensure that the operation is following all processes and provide support to maximize output, quality and safety. 确保生产过程按流程执行,并提供支持以确保产量、质量和安全 - Evaluate supervisory personnel and assist supervisors with the evaluation of those employees under their direct supervision. 评估直接下属,并协助其评估其下属团队之绩效。 - Review training plans for new hires, job changes and any functional updates or revisions. 评估新员工、调岗员工等所需之培训计划。 - Improve processes and policies in support of the organizational goals. 改善流程和正常以支持公司目标的达成。 - Formulate and implement departmental and organizational policies and procedures to maximize output. 建立和执行本部门之管理政策和流程达到产量最大化。 - Assist with the coordination, implementation and adherence of healthy and safe working conditions for all employees. 协助、协调并执行职业健康安全法规确保其生产条件和员工全部符合法规要求。 - Monitor adherence to rules, regulations and procedures for overall safety, industrial sanitation and fire protection. 监督其部门之安全、工业卫生和防火符合相应法规和流程的要求。 - Address issues on a daily basis to ensure continuity of operations. 管理日常事务确保生产的持续性 - Propose, evaluate and implement improvement suggestions to maximize efficiency of operations. 建议、评估和执行生产改进建议以使生产效率最大化。 - Ensure that production supervisors and operators follow all orders as specified 确保生产主管人员及操作人员遵守操作规程。 - Organize working shift patterns in line with demand. 根据需要组织调整工作班次方式 - Work in conjunction with maintenance to manage the effectiveness of equipment, machinery and overall plant. 与维护人员合作确保设备的有效性 - Supports the adaptation of machinery to ensure new processes run efficiently and with minimal down-time. 支持设备的改造以确保新工艺运行的可靠性和停机的最小化。 - Work with schedulers to meet customers’ demands. 与计划人员合作确保满足客户要求 - Ensure deadlines and deliveries are met. 确保交货期限并按时交货 Requirements: - University education or above 本科或以上学历 - 5 years of working experience in manufacturing as production manager or above五年以上生产经理以上经验 - 2 years of working experience as operation manager 两年以上营运经理工作经验 - Knowledge of safety regulations and norms of labor safety 安全知识和劳动安全管理经验 - Information technology skills 电脑使用熟练 - Excellent communication skills 沟通交流能力强 - Good English skills 英语能力强


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